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Financial objectives

Akademiska Hus financial objectives: 

  • Capital structure: The equity ratio should be between 35 and 45 per cent. The equity ratio is defined as “equity in relation to total equity and liabilities”.

  • Profitability: Return on operating capital shall be at least 6.0 per cent. Definition: Return on operating capital is defined as “profit before tax excluding the change in value of financial instruments and net interest income/expense in relation to average operating capital”. Operating capital is defined as equity plus net loan liabilities.

  • Dividend policy: The ordinary dividend should amount to between 40 and 70 per cent of the net profit after tax after reversal of changes in value and related deferred tax. The annual decisions regarding a dividend shall take into account the implementation of the Company’s strategy, the financial position and the capital structure objective set by the owner. 

  • Objectives shall be for the long-term and evaluated over a business cycle.