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Akademiska Hus and NCC win prize for safe work environment

Tuesday, 31 March 2020


The organisation “Håll Nollan” awards a work environment prize to honour work teams that have made a difference regarding the issue of greatest importance for the construction and property industry – ensuring that everyone should return home after a day at work, healthy and without injury. Today it was announced that Akademiska Hus and NCC have jointly garnered the award for their extensive safety efforts during the expansion of the Ångström Laboratory in Uppsala.
The Håll Nollan work environment prize is being awarded for the second consecutive year. Its aim is to inspire, acknowledge and drive the development of work environment initiatives that promote safety in the construction and property industry. This year 17 different teams representing the entire chain of a construction project were nominated: property developers, contractors and suppliers. The prize for 2020 goes to the team in Nya Ångström phase 4, a project that is under construction for Uppsala University which includes two extensions of 30,000 square metres. The successful safety initiative is backed by the builder Akademiska Hus and the contractor NCC. 

The jury’s statement: “By visualising how each action makes a difference for everyone’s safety along the entire path from planning onwards, combined with an open climate, Ångström successfully created a safe construction environment. This effort has produced visible results, not only with respect to accident prevention, but also regarding job satisfaction, a reasonable workload and the creation of a workplace that inspires pride.”

“In addition to a safe work environment, a focused work environment initiative also helps to achieve a more organised construction site and more efficient procedures. We are extremely pleased to receive this prize as an acknowledgment that our efforts have achieved good results that can inspire others in the industry,” says Hayar Gohary, Project Director for Akademiska Hus. 

Important aspect of the entire construction process

To ensure that everyone involved in the construction process at Nya Ångström accepts responsibility for the work environment initiative, great emphasis has been placed on creating a positive dialogue regarding work environment issues, with a focus on the psychosocial work environment. The workplace has been characterised by a high attendance rate and job satisfaction, which has helped to expand the work environment initiative from previously being primarily linked to the physical implementation to now becoming integral to the entire construction process. The team from Akademiska Hus and NCC has also taken advantage of initiatives such as safety rounds, work environment workshops and exercises with neighbouring activities to involve subcontractors and employees at Uppsala University in order to raise awareness of the work environment initiative related to the project. 

“We have prepared process maps that describe our working methods throughout the construction process, from planning and purchasing to production and transfer of possession. It’s made it easier for us to view the work environment initiative in a larger context,” says Henrik Roos, site manager at NCC.
During the project AI technology was tested to increase safety, in part through a collaborative effort with Microsoft. By using cameras installed in the tower cranes and advanced software, people and vehicles in high-risk areas can be detected, which enhances safety during heavy lifting activities.

Ongoing assessment of results

Akademiska Hus and NCC continually evaluate and analyse the work environment initiative through “Prifloat” surveys. In the most recent survey a questionnaire was sent to about 100 representatives of clients, tenants/users, planners, contractors and subcontractors. 

“The surveys show that our levels are now at the highest standard. It is particularly rewarding that the more complex and extensive the phase of the project, the better the results. Moving forward, we hope to be able to share our work environment initiative by arranging field trips and lectures,” says Ove Eriksson, Project Manager at Akademiska Hus. 

About the expansion of the Ångström Laboratory at Uppsala University

Akademiska Hus and Uppsala University are engaging in the largest joint initiative ever through the expansion of the Ångström Laboratory. The initiative includes two additions of 30,000 square metres, where the centre of education’s internationally renowned research and education can expand in an interdisciplinary environment. Akademiska Hus is investing SEK 1.2 billion in the project. Occupancy will take place in two phases – the autumn of 2020 and the spring of 2022. 

About Håll Nollan

“Everyone in the construction industry should be able to return home without injury after a day at work” is a vision that is currently shared by over 70 members of Håll Nollan. The initiative was organised in 2017 by the association “Samverkan för noll olyckor i byggbranschen” (collaboration for zero accidents in the construction industry) with the aim of engaging the entire chain in a construction project. Companies and organisations that order, plan and execute construction projects collaborate in this initiative. Our conviction is that we will learn from one another, change the culture, educate, challenge and raise awareness of the initiative to promote zero accidents in the construction injury.